[TowerTalk] Running coax through a brick wall

Bruce Richards wd4ngb@m2.sprynet.com
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 19:32:04 +0000

    I agree "100%" .....  Bruce

W9SN wrote:

> >
> >I have just about finished up my 75 ft. 25G tower and loaded it with mostly
> >VHF and UHF antennas.  My problem now is getting all of this coax into the
> >house and to the shack area.  Since I will have maybe up to ten RG8 size or
> >larger coax cables I will need a fairly good size hole.  I plan to go
> >through a brick wall about 8 ft off the ground.  This will get me into the
> >basement area just above the concrete block inner wall. The outside brick
> >wall is about 28 ft. high.  Is it usually safe to remove a brick or cut out
> >half a brick to pass these cables?  Should I replace the removed brick with
> >some sort of steel insert to to support the load but still pass the cables.
> > The only other choice I have is to go through a window which I hope I
> >don't have to use.
> >Bob WA4ZZW EM64
> >
> Bob, the best way is drill a hole and sleeve it.  Since I run gas line for a
> living, I do this all the time.
> I have a large Bosch drill that does the job.  You can rent these at certain
> places for a minimal cost.
> Measure the diameter of the group of cables to see what size you need, then
> go to the local
> plumbing outlet to get some pvc pipe that will take them.  Once installed,
> seal around the
> outside and the inside of the pipe with the cables in there.  I use duct
> puddy so that I can remove it
> later for adding another coax or two.  By the way, I think that Bosch has
> bits for concrete up to 2"
> which will take 1 1/4" pvc pipe.  Good luck  Steve Narducci  W9SN

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