[TowerTalk] Running coax through a brick wall

W9SN nw9g@netusa1.net
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 14:20:41 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Wilson <rwilson@hiwaay.net>
To: towertalk@contesting.com <towertalk@contesting.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 12:41 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Running coax through a brick wall

>I have just about finished up my 75 ft. 25G tower and loaded it with mostly
>VHF and UHF antennas.  My problem now is getting all of this coax into the
>house and to the shack area.  Since I will have maybe up to ten RG8 size or
>larger coax cables I will need a fairly good size hole.  I plan to go
>through a brick wall about 8 ft off the ground.  This will get me into the
>basement area just above the concrete block inner wall. The outside brick
>wall is about 28 ft. high.  Is it usually safe to remove a brick or cut out
>half a brick to pass these cables?  Should I replace the removed brick with
>some sort of steel insert to to support the load but still pass the cables.
> The only other choice I have is to go through a window which I hope I
>don't have to use.
>Bob WA4ZZW EM64

Bob, the best way is drill a hole and sleeve it.  Since I run gas line for a
living, I do this all the time.
I have a large Bosch drill that does the job.  You can rent these at certain
places for a minimal cost.
Measure the diameter of the group of cables to see what size you need, then
go to the local
plumbing outlet to get some pvc pipe that will take them.  Once installed,
seal around the
outside and the inside of the pipe with the cables in there.  I use duct
puddy so that I can remove it
later for adding another coax or two.  By the way, I think that Bosch has
bits for concrete up to 2"
which will take 1 1/4" pvc pipe.  Good luck  Steve Narducci  W9SN

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