[TowerTalk] Running coax through a brick wall

JD Delancy k1zat@dsport.com
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:24:41 -0500 (EST)


On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, Bob Wilson wrote:
> I have just about finished up my 75 ft. 25G tower and loaded
> it with mostly VHF and UHF antennas.  My problem now is
> getting all of this coax into the house and to the shack
> area.  Since I will have maybe up to ten RG8 size or larger
> coax cables I will need a fairly good size hole.  I plan to
> go through a brick wall about 8 ft off the ground.  This

I finished up a 100 foot of Rohn 25 with its base about 80 feet
from the house.  To get them into the basement, I used a
concrete saw and hammer to make a 3 inch hole.  then I took a
piece of hard PVC, fitted it into the hole. I then filled the
space around the pvc between the other wall with some compressed
insulating-foam-in-a-can (forget what its actually called,
carpenters uses it a lot).  Finally I cemented (or grouted)
around the PVC on both sides of the wall.  To keep rain out, I
used a 45 degree elbow pointed down on the outside.  I'm about
half full in it with eight 1/2inch and one 3/4 inch hardline, 
two RG-8's and a couple fo RG-58's runs.  XYL approved.


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