[TowerTalk] Antenna Modeling Programs

Roger Roger
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 12:31:11 -0600


I agree with what LB told you about the different programs.  My favorite is
AO v. 6.5 from Brian K6STI.  It is Mininec-based, so different wire
diameters and tapering is not a problem.  It also has nice 2D and 3D
graphics screens for radiation plots and geometry.  The only drawback (if
any) is that it is DOS-based.  The Professional version (AOP) has problems
with Win95 memory management, but the standard AO works well for most
antennas.  The accuracy on antennas near ground may not be as good as with
NEC, but for those cases you can download NEC-2 from many locations on the

My second favorite is YO, also from Brian K6STI.  For Yagis, this is the

73 & Happy Holidays,

Roger WB0DGF

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