[TowerTalk] Advice: Beverage Wire

T A RUSSELL n4kg@juno.com
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 11:33:09 -0600

N4KG  response  below.

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 09:04:36 -0500 (EST) Bill Fisher - W4AN
<w4an@contesting.com> writes:
>I have a need for wire for use with beverages that has the following
>1) Easily fixed when broken.  Aluminum electric fence wire is 
>excellent in  this regard.  No soldering required ever.  
>2) Stealthy.  Electric fence wire is easily seen from great distances. 
> I need my beverages to be as invisible as possible. 
>Thanks for any tips in advance.
>Bill, W4AN 

N4KG  reply:

Most of my Beverages have been made with stranded insulated wire.
Stranded wire is easily tied (fisherman's knot or double half hitch) and
easily soldered with a portable butane soldering iron.   A BIG advantage
to insulated wire is that you can simply toss it over low tree limbs,
using a weight tied to the end, and pull it through the woods.
A dark color insulation (black, dark green, dark brown) is hard to
see.   A flexible tie-down cord at the end for tensioning may prevent
some breakage from falling tree limbs, minimizing needed repairs.

Regarding wire sizes:

#14    Strong, but TOO  HEAVY

#16    Ideal mix of strength and weight

#18    Close second to #16 but does break more easily

#20    TOO   WEAK ,  breaks easily

de  Tom  N4KG

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