[TowerTalk] Alum vs. Steel Towers

d.dimitry d.dimitry" <d.dimitry@cwix.com
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 12:36:31 -0600

Hi gang,

Gee, I really liked that last message.  Thought it was a level-headed,
tactful way to broach the subject.

Anyway,  let me just announce the addition of a couple more pages to our
website, www.HeightsTowers.com.  All are invited to check it out.  More
images and pages will be inserted later, but I think you may still
appreciate some of the info.  All feedback is welcome.

Drake Dimitry
Heights Tower Sys.
-----Original Message-----
From: N0OEL@aol.com <N0OEL@aol.com>
To: hires@rust.net <hires@rust.net>; towertalk@contesting.com
Date: Saturday, December 19, 1998 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Alum vs. Steel Towers

>Hello Floyd.    There is a lot to say as to the differences between
>steel towers and then again, for the non engineer (like me) just a few
>1.   Steel is stronger and equal size to Alum will take great windloads
>2.   Steel towers are cheaper
>3.   Aluminum towers dont rust.
>4.   Aluminum towers with larger sections can do the job of a slimmer steel
>5.   Aluminum towers are easier to put up since the sections are lighter.
>6.   Most aluminum towers are tiltovers so they can be easily layed down
>      worked on as well as their antennas and rotors.    Steel, due to
>      more difficult to lay down and most steel towers are not tiltable
>      exceptions).
>7.   Crankup steel towers overcome the last problem.
>8.   Aluminum towers always look new (if appearance is important to you).
>Personally, I have had a Universal Alum tower for years and really like it.
>But its
>a $1600 tower for 50 feet.    You can get a "hard to climb" steel Rohn HDBX
>$750.    But who likes to put their feet in those "X-type" foot braces to
>Not me!    But it is stronger and cheaper!
>Hope this helps.    Its like Ford and Chevrolet.    I like Chevys.   Others
>like Fords.
>Remember, a lot has to do with the windload you need and the height you
>go as well as your budget.
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FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/towertalkfaq.html
Submissions:              towertalk@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  towertalk-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-towertalk@contesting.com
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