[TowerTalk] condensate

N. S. FIRESTONE w3svj@juno.com
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 20:19:20 -0500

A small light bulb on a themostat has been very effective in keeping
equipment cabinets dry and Raychem (and by now many others) make a
snow/ice roof, gutter and downspout cable. This material can be almost
any custom length up to 150 or so on 120 volts. It's self regulating and
doesnt require a thermostat. The watts per foot above fifty degrees is
very small. A couple of feet wound around the inside of the equipment box
would probably do the job nicely. These methods would be ok for
condensate but if there is a funnel in the top of the cabinet, all bets
are off.

All of the above doesn't really make much sense unless you have  a really
big relay/switcher box or have too much time on your hands.
73 de Nate, W3SVJ, in Pittsburgh where it's not so smokey anymore.

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