[TowerTalk] 160 inv. L directivity?

Dave_K9NX n7ex@athenet.net
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 10:56:18 +0000

At 11:16 PM 12/20/98 -0800, Mike Nash, NO6X wrote:

>does the directivity of a 160 meter inv. L really make that big of a
>the reason for asking is I can make it easy and just run it, however it
>would be pointed 210 degrees, and from the west coast that equates to


Depending on the length of the horizontal tail there will be a slight
(usually less than 2db F/B) skewing of the pattern in favor of the
direction opposite the direction the tail points. In your case there will
be a slight improvement at a heading of 30 deg. This is a very broad almost
circular pattern. At right angles to the L the signal will be down less
than 1/2 dB, compared to the frontal peak on the lobe.. 

The real key to success of inverted L's, is ground radials, ground radials
and more ground radials.

Dave K9NX

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