[TowerTalk] Re: (Fwd) 402CD - Does it need a balun?

Charles H. Harpole harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 23:42:33 -0500 (EST)

I have used the 40-2CD without a balun and with a balun.  I did not
perceive any difference.  (I used the HyGain BN-4000)
However about the water in your balun, I say again,
WATER WILL GO EVERYWHERE.  At ham radio budgeting levels, it is virtually
impossible to eliminate water vapor intrusion into our "sealed" fittings,
etc.  With the exception of coax fittings in line, I recommend the more
prudent course is to provide for a way for water to GET OUT as fast as it
gets in.  In most situations, count on water intrusion.  de K4VUD

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