[TowerTalk] TA-33 feed

T A RUSSELL n4kg@juno.com
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 06:12:07 -0600

" I realize a mono should be quieter than a multi-bander, 
but I feel the balun made a positive difference on my 33, also. "

And what exactly do you attribute the excess noise to in tribanders?

Where does the excess noise come from?

Antennas have gain and pattern.  More gain, more signal from the
desired direction.  More pattern rejection, less signal from undesired
directions.   This has nothing to do with the number of bands the
antenna will operate on. 

Antennas optimized for gain usually exhibit less pattern rejection
than the same antennas optimized for pattern, which usually have 
slightly less gain (on the order of 1 dB if carefully optimized).

A balun can reduce feedline radiation (on both tribanders and
monobanders) and thus reduce pickup from undesired directions.

The advertisements indicting feedline radiation as the cause of
TVI and BCI are a joke.  Does anyone really believe that feedline
radiation will cause TVI but radiation from the antenna does not?

de  Tom  N4KG

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