[TowerTalk] Satellite Tower

Mark D. Fossum n0nsv@amsat.org
Sun, 26 Jul 1998 19:54:06 -0500

Hi Stan:

Thanks for your comments. Actually, my present tower is not guyed at
30'. It's
withstood some real wind and weather in it's present location without
problem. I'm not worried about it in the least. (North Dakota winds make
great proving ground for wind tests) Yes, I have the Rohn book. Yes, I
it's supposed to be guyed. Yes, I know they my a tiltover kit.

I intend on using the 25G for other projects when I put it back into
service. A
25G system for the satellite array is not of interest to me anymore
because it
is too large and clumsy to deal with. I have used the tiltover kit that
you are
referring to and I've never been satisfied with it.

The satellite antennas are kept relatively low to the ground since we're

dealing with line-of-sight propagation. The tower system that I'm
interested in
is defiantly strong enough to withstand any reasonable (and some
not-so-reasonable) weather conditions with the antennas that I plan to
I'm just fishing for ideas or sources of such an animal.

Thanks again for your comments. 73
Mark Fossum - N0NSV

Stan Griffiths wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Let's talk about your PRESENT tower for a minute . . .
> How were you able to tip it over at all?  Is it mounted on a hinged
> If it is, Rohn says it must be guyed.  I hope it is.
> Rohn makes a tiltover kit for 25G.  It's expensive and it has to be
> but it will work like you want it to.
> I have never seen one of the towers you descibed as you saw at the
> Sorry, can't help you there.
> Stan  w7ni@teleport.com

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