[TowerTalk] Elementary question - trig formula
Thomas Johnson
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 16:36:14 -0500
Now, If I need MORE Phillystran to complete one last leg of my tower, and my
tower is 50Ft, and I want to guy it at 45 feet, and my Ground anchor is 30 feet
from the base of the tower, how much phillystran will I need to complete the
connection (I will add on the Few extra feet later for clamping)
Chuck Lewis wrote:
> Yep. Similar triangles...it's just a simple proportion...no trig needed.
> B/(C+D) = ?/C or,
> ? = C x B/(C+D)
> Example: If you have a 100' tower (C+D), and the guys are out 60' (B),
> the distance out from the tower (?) at 50 feet DOWN (C) is
> 50' x 60'/100' = 30'
> Makes sense, huh? Just make sure you use the distance from the top down,
> not the height of the (?). (Or redo the equation)
> Chuck, N4NM
> Pete Smith wrote:
> >
> > At the risk of getting into the dumb question territory:
> >
> > If you know how far from the base of your tower your guys attach (on flat
> > ground), and you know how high they attach to the tower, then you should be
> > able readily to calculate how much turning radius inside the guys would
> > exist at any given height on the tower. Obviously, this would be useful
> > for assessing a potential stack design.
> > I
> > /I
> > / I
> > / I C
> > / I
> > /----I
> > / ? I
> > / I D
> > / I
> > -----/----B---I---------
> >
> > That is, if you know the lengths of B and C+D, then you ought to be able to
> > figure out what "?" is for any length of C.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I've forgotten virtually all the plane geometry and trig
> > formulas I ever learned, and I didn't keep any high school math books. I
> > think the two triangles involved are called "similar triangles," but that's
> > as far as my memory goes. Can anyone tell me offhand what the right
> > formula is for this? Once I have the fomula I can do the calculations, but
> > what to calculate?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > 73, Pete Smith N4ZR
> > In wild, wonderful, fairly rare WEST Virginia
> >
> > --
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