[TowerTalk] Take-off angles & Modelling Tri-Banders
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 10:14:41 EST
In a message dated 98-03-24 06:30:57 EST, g4piq@blacksheep.org writes:
> However - what I was really trying to tap the collective towertalk
> consciousness for this time is whether there are any EZNEC models
> kicking about for common tri-banders. I can see that it should be
> possible to develop them, but it may not be an easy task. I'm
> particularly interested in the KT34-XA, TH5 and A3.
You'll probably be interested in the new reflector dedicated to antenna
design and modeling. It's antennaware@contesting.com. Send a message to
antennaware-request@contesting.com with subscribe in the message.
73, Steve K7LXC
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