[TowerTalk] Re: Channel 39 TVI

Michael Lamb n7ml@imt.net
Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:28:33 -0600

From: 	Roger Cox
Sent: 	Tuesday, October 06, 1998 9:48 AM
To: 	towertalk@contesting.com; k6ct@pacbell.net
Subject: 	[TowerTalk] Re: Channel 39 TVI

Roger, Is channel 39 on cable the same frequency as channel 39 direct broadcast TV???  I thought they were different.

Likey your neighbor in Fallbrook is watching San Deigo Channel 39 TV and is
experiencing interference from a new digital TV station on Channel 39 in
Corona, CA.

73 Roger WB0DGF

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