[TowerTalk] Re: Channel 39 TVI

Joe Subich, W8IK w8ik@ibm.net
Tue, 6 Oct 1998 21:46:44 -0400

> Roger, Is channel 39 on cable the same frequency as channel 39 
> direct broadcast TV???  I thought they were different.
> 73/Mike

Broadcast/Cable channels 39 are different ... only channels 2-13 
are the same.  

For Broadcast channels:  F(l) = 470 + 6 * (14-N)

For Cable channels:  F(l) = 120 + 6 * (14-N)  where 13 < N < 23
                     F(l) = 216 + 6 * (23-N)  where N > 22

F(l) is the low edge of the 6 MHz channel.  Video carrier is 
generally 1.25 MHz above the lower edge of the channel ... aural 
(sound) carrier is generally 5.75 MHz above the lower channel 

   ... Joe Subich, W8IK/4  ex-AD8I

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