[TowerTalk] US Tower Shipping Times

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Tue, 6 Oct 1998 15:37:23 -1000

Was written:

>USTower's estimate was within a week of the actual ship date.  HOWEVER, the
>trucking company called my home at 8:30 on a Friday morning and said if the
>tower wasn't off their truck that afternoon, the truck rental was $100/day
>include Sat and Sun!

A few years ago,  my US Tower was shipped out here to Kauai by them
via Yellow Freight.  This trucking company rcv'd the tower in Visalia,
delivered it to Matson Shipping in Oakland at the port;  it was brought
by them to Honolulu where it was transferred to Young Brothers Barge
Co.  for carry  on out here to Kauai.  Here a local trucking firm,  Kauai
Commercial picked it up at the port of Nawiliwili, and towing a
fork lift truck along behind,  the tower was off-loaded onto my
front yard within a couple of hours of the telephoned delivery

I don't know which,  whether US Tower or Yellow Freight arranged
all this,  but I was very pleased with the service provided by all
concerned.  Have visited US Tower one time since,  as it was
a  free lunch spot at the Visalia DX Convention.  Had a nice
chat with Bruce,  and wished I could have ordered something
much taller than what I now have.  Of course,  could not afford
one of the neat,  trailer mounted 100+ footers,  but would
sure solve the permanent installation permit/zoning hassle!!
And would be easy to take down,  and tuck away comes
along the next hurricane.

And the Bar BQ lunch and beer were great at US Tower!!

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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