[TowerTalk] "Tuning up" Vertical top loaded antennas

z.pitman@libertel.nl z.pitman@libertel.nl
Thu, 8 Oct 1998 11:06:15 +0200

> Tom W8JI pointed out a problem with elevated radials that most don't
> consider.
>>One thing is for sure, elevated radials are critical systems. They radiate
>>and couple quite well into their surroundings no matter how we tune or
>>adjust them.

I absolutely agree.

I used to have a low-band vertical on open field with 4 elevated radials. No
objects in several wavelengths around the antenna. 

When I tried to use the same setup from the embassy garden in Ulan-Baatar I
found the truth of what Tom had described: the two towers of the embassy
were coupled into the system by the elevated radials and when we put up an
additional WARC vertical on a metal pipe it also severely interacted with
the radial ending about 15 meters from the pipe. There were so many objects
nearby that we couldn't get the antenna properly tuned. Laying the radials
in the lawn solved this problem for us. Since then I know, that elevated
radial systems are for wide open fields only.

73s Zoli HA1AG

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