[TowerTalk] SB1000 BANDSWITCH

Bill Hider, N3RR n3rr@erols.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 18:05:11 +0100

You might try Harbaugh Electronics:
                                    HARBACH ELECTRONICS
                                  Allen B. Harbach - WA4DRU
                                   2318 S. Country Club Road
                                   Melbourne FL 32901-5809
                                  (407) 723- 7145 Phone & FAX
                                      email wa4dru@iu.net

I looked at their website. They don't have listed what you want, but they may
know where to obtain it.

fyi - Bookmark this site if you have an SB-200/220.

Bill, N3RR

KI9A@aol.com wrote:

> Greetings,  I was wondering if anyone had a clue as to where I can find a
> replacemant bandswitch for a Heath SB-1000 amp?  My 160m position must have
> arced and melted the fingers.  Ouch.  Would like to find a direct fit
> replacement, keeping the re-engineering down to a minimum..
> Thanks!
> 73/Chuck KI9A
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