[TowerTalk] traming technique

henry gillow-wiles henry@pacinfo.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 21:00:23 -0700

I attach a tiller to the boom plate with vise grips. The tiller points
down. This gives me steering ability. If I pull toward the tower, the
elements rotate higher on the tower side and visa versa. I can, by pulling
in the proper direction, steer the elements around the guy wires. 

I put up  CC shorty forty and a 4 ele DX Engineering 20m mono on a 40 ft
boom on top of a 90ft tower with this method. Once I learned to drive the
thing, it was easy. The hardest thing was to handle all the rope. I store
the long hanks (275 and 300 ft) on portable hose reels. Makes for easier
moving and they don't get a twist from coiling.

Just some food for thought, your milage may vary.....




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