[TowerTalk] Aluminum vs Steel Masts

Stan Griffiths w7ni@teleport.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 21:50:06 -0700

In a previus post, I made reference to an article I wrote in 1992 about
aluminum vs steel as a mast material.  Upon further research, I find I
sent the article to Tom, K5RC and also faxed it to NJ2L for publication
in NCJ.  What I CAN'T find is an issure of NCJ where it was published.
I guess now it never was published.  I would consider posting it here
but it is too long and the big problem is trying to post decent math
formulas in this format.  You can't really do it.  I don't know a good
way to make subscripts, radical signs, or powers display decently.  I
will mail a copy to K5RC and maybe he would be willing to post it on his
Web page along with my earlier article.

Hey, I won't argue with an author if he does not find my material worth
publishing.  That is why I never followed up on its publication, and it
apparently never happened . . .  Here is another chance . . .  I think
it addresses all the issues of comparative strength, weight, and price
(at least as I found it to be in 1992).

Stan  w7ni@teleport.com


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