[TowerTalk] Wanted: 50' or so, AB-105

Steve Zettel zettel@homer.libby.org
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:56:03 -0600 (MDT)

I'd like to buy, at a reasonable price, 50 feet or more of AB-105
(or the Trylon 2400H equivalent). I'd consider driving with my trailer to
pick it up in WA, OR, ID, MT, nw WY, western ND or SD, northern CA, UT and
NV, or southern Alberta or Saskatchewan (if tarriffs are not an issue).
The larger the quantity/more reasonable the price, the farther I will
drive. Please, just good condition stuff that YOU would feel good about
erecting and climbing. I'm also looking for heavy duty guy cable, shackles
and turnbuckles for putting up the same.

Looking at my work schedule, it may not be until mid-November before I
have enough time off to pick it up (but then, I'm out of time this year,
realistically, for putting up another tower).

Thanks for your time.

Steve Zettel  KJ7CH
near Libby, MT USA

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