[TowerTalk] Driving ground rod

Jepilot@aol.com Jepilot@aol.com
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 17:00:50 EDT

Mike - we have lots of clay in our soil in South Texas and I recently followed
the advice given by a ham in Houston, Texas in the Hints and Kinks column of
QST a couple of years ago.  First dig a small hole where you want to install
the ground rod.  The hole should be about 6 inches deep and about 8 to 10
inches in diameter.  Fill the hole with water and start driving the rod.
After about 8 inches or so, pull the rod out to let the water fill the hole,
the reinsert rod and hammer some more for another 8 inches or so, pull the
rod, let the water flow down the hole, and so on.  Obviously add water as
needed.  The rod will pull out very easily even when four or five feet deep.
The technique also makes driving the rod in much easier.  Works great for our
soil conditions much to my surprise.  I suspect the water reduces the side
wall friction of the hole.  Jan (water that hole) Rehler, W5KNZ, Corpus
Christi, Texas

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