[TowerTalk] Re: Kurt N. Sterba

George T. Daughters gdaught6@leland.Stanford.EDU
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 08:34:47 +0008

hi all,

> Steven, I quit buying World Radio primarily for that reason. Aerials is
> a sneaky way to attack People and Companies without having to face the
> music. It is my understanding that the owner/publisher is the Sterba
> Curtain.

while i am a regular reader of WR, i am concerned about Kurt's 
accuracy.  he is quick to point out errors and fallacies in other 
people's work, but there seems to be no review of his work.  i found 
a glaring but simple error in a column once, and wrote a polite 
letter pointing it out.  it was never corrected in any 
subsequent issue, and i didn't get any private communication of any 
kind, either.   of course, my letter might never have been 

i'm not accusing him of dishonesty of any sort;  it's just that when 
an author works with no peer review (or maybe no copy editing) 
it's difficult to distinguish between fact and what might be fact.

i still think he's right on about 90% of the time.  how to know which 


George T. Daughters, K6GT

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