[TowerTalk] Re: Extended Double Zepp Problem

Thomas R. Williams n2cu@buffnet.net
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 13:56:33 -0700

Hello again,

Sorry for the bandwidth...but...I just added 16' to each leg of my 80m
EDZ making it a total of 185' on each side. This calculates to 656/f;
much longer than expected. The SWR at the end of the ladder line went to
1.6:1 which was encouraging. However, the antenna seems to be very
narrow in bandwidth. The 2:1 limits are slightly less than 100 kHz.
Cutting 6" off of the ladder line didn't seem to change the SWR any
noticable amount, so I hesitate at trimming any more. 

Running ladder line back to the shack is out of the question; my tower
sits 220' back from my house in between my property lines. Running
ladder line on supports smack dab through the middle of the back yard is
not something my wife can deal with, nor me for that matter!

At this point I may just give up and install 1/2 wave coax fed dipoles
for each band and be done with it.

Tom N2CU

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