[TowerTalk] Re: Create Rotors

TOMK5RC@aol.com TOMK5RC@aol.com
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 10:07:50 EDT

In a message dated 10/17/98 12:56:02 AM Central Daylight Time,
aa7bg@3rivers.net writes:

<< Tom, Do you still deal in Create Rotors? I didn't see any mention of same
 on your web sight.
 73, Matt--K7BG >>


EDCO has decided to stop importing the RC5 series of rotors, except as a
special order (from Japan) at market price of the Yen vs the $. I consider it
unacceptable to offer customers a crap shoot, so I have taken them off my list
of products. As much as I like the rotors, I would have to look to Yaesu these

As far as repairs, EDCO is still the only game in town that I know of. They
are not good in responding to e-mails, so I would try the telephone, where
they are usually responsive. You might try the other repair services, although
everyone has to get their parts from EDCO.

Tom Taormina, K5RC/K7GJ
Virginia City, NV

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