[TowerTalk] M2'd Orion 2800

CQK8DO@aol.com CQK8DO@aol.com
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 10:10:59 EDT

In a message dated 10/18/98 12:54:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, n7tr@rnodx.org

<<  Will take some time getting used to the digital readout...Sure miss the
Analog pointer on the Hy-Gain control....

I've had a couple of stern talks with them about the control box... They just
keep repeating that I should be using computer control... They are dense on
this topic, durn it...  I WANT an analog knob that I just point to the desired
new heading and immediately go back to the radio...

If you use the stock rotor shelf with the 2800 then you have to cut a diagonal
brace to insert and bolt in place, but if you make a new shelf out of 10 ga.
steel and drill the holes to realign the rotor so its sides match the sides of
the tower, then all you have to do is insert the rotor at the top, and gently
pry the offending diagonals out about 1/8" as the rotor goes by and you can
lower it where you want... 


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