[TowerTalk] Anyone who's built a F12 have construction advice?

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm@lynchburg.net
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 09:38:25 -0400

K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 98-10-18 23:47:57 EDT, jccrtv@jccrtv.com writes:
> > I'm gonna start building my new Force 12 C-4SXL next week. 

>      Don't let the manual throw you. You can almost put the whole thing
> together without the manual. Assembling the 40M elements will necessitate
> reference to the manual. The other elements are all bundled together and
> marked so you can assemble them without confusing yourself with the manual. A
> C-4SXL should take you 5-6 hours.

The 40 mx elements are the only hard part.  I found the color photos on
the Force 12 web site to be very helpful when trying to figure out how
to put them together.  In this case a picture really is worth a thousand
words...even really good words.

Oh yes, Tom tells you in the manual that you should double check the
measurement of element lengths.  You REALLY should do this.

Ken K4XL
BoatAnchor Manual Archive - ftp://bama.sbc.edu

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