[TowerTalk] Anyone who's built a F12 have construction advice?

Doug Waller NX4D@sundial.net
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 10:17:24 -0400

I have the C4XL-D, a great 5-band antenna!  The only caution I can add during
construction is in regards to the V-loading wire for 40M elements.  This is a very
tough, hi-carbon wire which serves as mechanical element support, as well as
electrical length function.  If you bend it too quickly, or too sharp, it can snap
into.  I have a friend with the C4SXL,  and he gets the same performance results as
I get, another great F-12 product!

I am eagerly awaiting a kit from F-12 to add a 30m V-loaded element to the front of
my beam, for 6-band performance!!  (I'm not saying there is such a kit,  just

73/DX, Doug - Nx4d

Kenneth D. Grimm wrote:

> K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 98-10-18 23:47:57 EDT, jccrtv@jccrtv.com writes:
> >
> > > I'm gonna start building my new Force 12 C-4SXL next week.
> <snip>
> >      Don't let the manual throw you. You can almost put the whole thing
> > together without the manual. Assembling the 40M elements will necessitate
> > reference to the manual. The other elements are all bundled together and
> > marked so you can assemble them without confusing yourself with the manual. A
> > C-4SXL should take you 5-6 hours.
> The 40 mx elements are the only hard part.  I found the color photos on
> the Force 12 web site to be very helpful when trying to figure out how
> to put them together.  In this case a picture really is worth a thousand
> words...even really good words.
> Oh yes, Tom tells you in the manual that you should double check the
> measurement of element lengths.  You REALLY should do this.
> 73,
> --
> Ken K4XL
> grimm@lynchburg.net
> BoatAnchor Manual Archive - ftp://bama.sbc.edu
> --
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