[TowerTalk] Best wire type antenna for 75m/80m DX coverage

Tom Osborne w7why@mail.coos.or.us
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 16:14:43 -0700

Fred Hopengarten wrote:

> >In search of a wire antenna that would provide a low swr 80m cw (3520)
> >and
> >also 75m (3795) coverage. A cage would be too large, has anyone used
> >bazookas with any degree of success.?  Please give a brief >description of the >antanna.
> K1VR:  A dipole cut for 3600 and fed with 450 ohm ladder line to an
> antenna tuner. Will take all the power you can feed it and radiate
> efficiently on any 80 meter frequency. It will also have gain on 40.

Hi Fred.  I have tried this antenna, and I get a lot of rf in the
computer and visa-versa with the open wire in the shack.  Do you have
that problem there?  I used one of those antennas for years on all bands
before the advent of the computer.  73

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