[TowerTalk] Open Wire Line

w8ji.tom w8ji.tom@MCIONE.com
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 09:58:26 -0500

Hi Ron,

You wrote:
>   I never thought the dielectric properties at
> 2,550 MHz (or whatever it is) is any
> indication of it's suitability at 28.1 MHz.

I agree! 

Another thing people neglect is even a poor dielectric has negligible
effect is the electric field is mostly outside the dielectric.

For example, I use only 50 or so Lexan spreaders in my line and they occupy
a very very small area between the conductor. I care less how poor they are
at 30 MHz, as long as they don't melt from heat.

Now if I had the dielectric surrounding the wire for dozens or hundreds of
feet, I'd be a lot more concerned.

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