[TowerTalk] KLM KT34-XA Refurbishing

J. Parise w1uk@downcity.net
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 19:52:25 -0500

That site moved to:

-----Original Message-----
From: WBH3@chrysler.com <WBH3@chrysler.com>
To: towertalk@contesting.com <towertalk@contesting.com>
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 8:27 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] KLM KT34-XA Refurbishing

>Had above antenna up for about 5 years and then I had to move.  Now,  15
>months later I am ready to put it back up.   I  checked in my Towertalk
>file on KT34's and found several references to how to go about refurbishing
>this antenna but.....
>none of the internet sites mentioned in the articles seem to be acitve
>anymore!!  Can someone give me some additional references or someone to
>contact to for this information.
>Right now, I am using something called "OX-GARD by GB" which I got at Home
>Depot to coat the fittings where the antenna elements connect together at
>the boom.  I don"t know or have a feel whether it is necessary to do a
>complete disassembly and re-coat all the places the assembly manual  says
>to put the originally supplied copper paste.   My feelings right now are to
>finish the assembly and then stand it on the director end and attach the
>coax and see how it plays.  Incidentally, I've also seen a comment that the
>copper paste undergoes a magical process and turns into an insulator
>In reading various threads it seems that some people have bad luck doing a
>dissassembly and some don't, AND some don't do anything and the antenna
>plays ok.  There seems to be no statistically significant  way to approach
>this problem.  At any rate, I'm trying to get this antenna up  within a
>week and need some advice ASAP.  The site that I tried to reach was
>www.qsl.net/k7on/ant/antenna.htm.    I haven't had a chance to measure
>between the 10 and 15 meter capacitor tubes yet.
>Thanks in advance.....I'll let everyone know how I make out !
>Bill Haselmire  WX8S
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