[TowerTalk] Antennas in a Tropical Cyclone

Edward Soriano, M.D., DU1OZ, KB3CNO du1oz@writeme.com
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 00:54:48 +0800

To All especially those leaving in the southeastern states:

NO NEED TO BRING DOWN THE ANTENNA - this is the only thing I want during
the time of El Nino. The Philippines is usually visited by 10 to 18
typhoons every year. Last year was El Nino and now  it is La Nina - rain,
rain, rain!!!

Ever since we enterd the rainy season last June I kept praying that no
typhoon will hit directly my area(southern Luzon). One week ago Typhoon Zeb
with center winds of 270 kph threatened us but later veered towards
Northern Luzon and to BV and JA. My antenna survived winds of less than 100
kph. Last Friday, a day before the much awaited CQ WW contest, Typhoon Bab
packing center winds of 250 kph near the center threatened to hit directly
southern Luzon. Intense warning on radio, tv and police patrols prompted me
to bring down my TH3. With the ongoing Asian Economic currency crisis I
cannot afford to gumble my antenna.

Considering the hussles in putting it down everytime the storm comes I am
now considering to put the life of my TH3Mk4 to God's will next rainy season.

Besides obtaining a Glen Martin or crank up type of tower are there any
other precautionary measures which I can do to give my TH3  and Tailtwister
atleast a good fight with  Tropical Cyclones?

Some hams suggest that I point my beam towards the winds direction - not so
effective during typhoons because winds keep on changing direction and most
of the times power is cut off during heavy storm. How about tying the
antenna on both ends so as to prevent the antenna from rotating and save
the rotor. Is this effective?

Let me know your thoughts.


Edward Soriano, M.D., DU1OZ, KB3CNO
Cavite City, Philippine Islands

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