[TowerTalk] Penetrox help

gbay gbay@odi.com
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 13:20:25 -0500

I'm assembling the phasing tubes on my TH-11DX.  I've been using Penetrox on
all boom and element joints.  My question is, should I use it on the bolts
and washers that are used to fasten the wires to the phasing tubes?  On the
one hand, it would seem to be a good idea to enhance electrical conductivity
and keep the bolts from freezing up over time.  However, the manual says to
use stainless washers around the pigtails to prevent galvanic corrosion
between the copper and aluminum.  If I use Penetrox, there would be a better
"connection" between the pigtail and the aluminum tubes which might speed up
corrosion.  Which way should I go...use penetrox or not on these bolts,

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me with this issue.

73 de Gerry, W1XY

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