[TowerTalk] Heliax,LMR,etc

DavisRFinc@aol.com DavisRFinc@aol.com
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 14:18:45 EST

Hi Riki,  My learned friend Steve, K7LXC, is right on the money with the 5 "
bend radius.  I was waiting for the spec on this to give you attenuation as
the master catalog doesn't have  this part #.  However, your part # FHJ4-50B
is listed in another source and spec's a 5" Min bend radius.  This cable is
good to 8.1 GHZ and 19 kw, so have a ball, HI.  I'll send you the attenuations
direct to you unless I see something worth noting/benefit to others.  In
general, Heliax is nice stuff, quite rugged, we sell it and LMR so no
preference or benefit to us as to either; however we tend to suggest to hams
that Andrew has "a corner on life", gets highly paid for it, LMR is great
stuff and hardly any difference size for size attenuation-wise thru VHF.
virtually the same buriable jacket (PE) on both.  On the other hand, I have to
say it because I believe it (and designed it), "BURY-FLEX" Tm is very good
overall, same jacket, more flexible than LMR400, cost about the same and costs
much less than Ultra Flex LMR400.  Enough said.  Cheers,  Steve Davis, K1PEK,
DAVIS RF Co., Commercial wire/cable, RF connectors, custom cable design.
Discounts to hams..........BURY-FLEX ™ low loss HF-microwave HDPE coax;
....FLEX-WEAVE™ aerial wire. Registered trademarks of Davis Associates, Inc. .
.LMR ™, Heliax™, PolyPhaser Tm, etc.  Visit our web site at  www.davisRF.com.
1-800-328-4773   (1-800-DAVIS RF)

"The Triad":   DAVIS RF Co., ORION WIRE CORP and The WIREMAN:	Three types of
expertise, three corporate buying power and customer inter-personal
relationships benefitting all.
In a message dated 10/26/98 10:09:48 AM EST, K7LXC@aol.com writes:
<< In a message dated 98-10-26 00:12:36 EST, rikik@inter.net.il writes:
  > I would like to know what is the minimum allowable bending radius for
 >  Andrews Heliax
 >  type FHJ4-50B.  The outside diamater of the cable is apx. 1/2 inch.
 >  If anybody has an authoritative data sheet catalog, etc. I would
 >  really receiving this information.  If available, I would like to know
 >  power handling and attenuation characteristics for HF too.
         Couldn't find that part number - must be an export. The catalog I
 has FSJ4-50B which is 1/2 inch Superflex. The minimum bending radius is 1.25
 inches or 32 mm. If you have the regular 1/2 inch Heliax, it's bending radius
 is 5 inches, 125 mm. (or approximately 10 times its diameter). The Superflex
 will take more bending (that's why it's Superflex).
        The Andrew catalog is a 785 page, 4 pound treasure trove of product
 info, neat pictures and lots of specs. Contact your Andrew supplier for a
  Cheers,  Steve   K7LXC

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