[TowerTalk] Penetrox help

Kurt Andress ni6w@yagistress.minden.nv.us
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 23:03:09 -0800

Bill Hider, N3RR wrote:

> Hi Gerry,
> I use NOALOX (Penetrox equivalent) on all my antenna joints and on the stainless
> steel hardware. It sure helps when removing (for repair or otherwise), but I
> don't think it will help with conductivity  That thread went nowhere last year!!
> So, yes, use it!!
> 73,
> Bill, N3RR
> gbay wrote:
> > I'm assembling the phasing tubes on my TH-11DX.  I've been using Penetrox on
> > all boom and element joints.  My question is, should I use it on the bolts
> > and washers that are used to fasten the wires to the phasing tubes?  On the
> > one hand, it would seem to be a good idea to enhance electrical conductivity
> > and keep the bolts from freezing up over time.  However, the manual says to
> > use stainless washers around the pigtails to prevent galvanic corrosion
> > between the copper and aluminum.  If I use Penetrox, there would be a better
> > "connection" between the pigtail and the aluminum tubes which might speed up
> > corrosion.  Which way should I go...use penetrox or not on these bolts,
> > etc.?
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help you can give me with this issue.
> >
> > 73 de Gerry, W1XY

The NoAlox and Penetrox A compounds are made for aluminum/aluminum or
aluminum/copper connections. Putting them into a Stainless/aluminum or
stainless/copper connection is not the best match for galvanic corrosion. But, I
have also used the compounds in these types of antenna connections successfully.
Since galvanic corrosion depends on two things, dissimilar metals and an
electrolyte, like acidic water or saltwater, I make an extra effort to seal the
My preference is ScothKote. This is a liquid sealer, discussed in other posts in the
archives. After tightening the connection, thoroughly clean it from all exterior
residues with a solvent, like laquer thinner. Then apply two coats of the Scothkote,
15 minutes between coatings. This stuff does a great job of sealing off the
connection, preventing moisture from entering the connection to create the battery
that galvanic corrosion thrives on.
Discussion of how conductive joint compounds work appears in the  archives. Look for
subjects about GOO!

73, Kurt

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