[TowerTalk] Interpreting SWR on used coax

w8ji.tom w8ji.tom@MCIONE.com
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 08:02:54 -0500

That formula "works" within a limited range of loss, but keep in mind it is
just an approximation.

>  Why didn't you use the method that Autek reccomends, ie,  monitoring 
> the Z on the RF1 at the dips. That can tell the loss better than SWR. 
> Their formula for loss is: Loss(db)=.17*Z.

For example, look at a line with infinite loss. Z=50*.17= 8.5 dB loss.

It also depends on Z being accurate, and would require he measure loss at
different frequencies every time he cut the line to a new length.

73 Tom

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