[TowerTalk] SUMMARY--interpreting SWR on used coax

James W. Fisher, Jr. 74237.2073@compuserve.com
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 08:13:14 -0500

Dear TowerTalkians,

Thanks to N4ZR and W0OPW for the following replies.  I was operating from
memory; so much for my memory!


>It's called resonance  <g>.  This same technique is used with the RF-1 to
set the length of 1/4 and 1/2 wave stubs.  The line is transforming the
infinite (open) or zero (shorted) impedance to a different one at your end
of the line.  To test the quality of a line, you really need to switch to Z
and tune for lowest, then use the formula in the manual to calculate loss
and see if the cable meets spec.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR<


> Why didn't you use the method that Autek reccomends, ie,  monitoring 
the Z on the RF1 at the dips. That can tell the loss better than SWR. 
Their formula for loss is: Loss(db)=.17*Z.

(from Pat, W0OPW)<


Thanks, guys!


Jim, VE1JF      

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