[TowerTalk] Opinions on Tower permission issue....

dlhough@vegas.infi.net dlhough@vegas.infi.net
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 07:12:50 -0800

> I had to buy a new TV antenna for a neighbour to get him on UHF instead of
> VHF and that cured it.
> The whole thing costed me less than 100 dlrs, which I think was a steal !
> Hi
> 73 es GL
> Rag  OZ8RO

	Greetings Rag, thought I recognized that call and handle. Prying eyes
are everywhere, there's nowhere you can hide, hi hi.

	In our case we had the neighbors help us put the tower up. That's the
easiest way. They came over and brought some fine young fellas with
them. Had that tower up in no time.

	Make a point to have the neighbors over and visit the shack while you
run your gear and make some contacts. Have them bring their older kids.
In the early evenings, here anyway, pacific rim hams are always coming
in real good.

	Got some photos on the K8CX homepage of the shack but the only photo
I've got scanned of the tower and the X-7 is in this computer. 


Dave Hough, KC7DM
Las Vegas

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