[TowerTalk] [Fwd: [Antennas] 10-meter SWR on Mosely AMLP-14-18-18]

J. Dirk Bremer - KCØBZV dirkb@myself.com
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 14:09:37 -0600

"John W. Reynolds" wrote:
> Oct 28,
> Dirk,
> Try 800-325-4016 for catalog sales or 800-966-7539
> for Mosley. Also, if you're able,
> http://www.mosley-electronics.com/home.htm
> is a good start as well.
> Thanks,
> John AD4DO

I would like to thank AD4DO and the others who replied with
information on how to contact Mosely. I was informed by
another TowerTalk member that Mosely will be moving from the
St. Louis area to Union Mo during November.

Best Regards,

Dirk Bremer - Senior Analyst/Software Engineer at CADP
St. Charles MO - EM48RT - Northwest of St. Louis - KCØBZV
Member of ARRL, NRA, SABRE, and SCARC
Equipment: AOR AR8000, Icom 2100H, Icom 2710H, Icom W32A,
           Uniden BC230XLT, Uniden BC895XLT, Midland FRS

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