[TowerTalk] Concrete Problem

Thu, 29 Oct 1998 10:51:46 EST

In a message dated 98-10-29 10:16:35 EST, k3gp@bigfoot.com writes:

>    I know from earlier towertalk postings that pouring concrete into a hole
>  with standing water is a no-no; However, one of my anchor points
>  appears to have been located directly in the path of a low-volume
>  underground spring. The backhoe guy, with many years of experience,
>  that I inform the redi-mix people about the problem and they will deliver a
>  very stiff mix and pour that hole first. Afterwards, they can add water to
>  the stiff mix before pouring the remaining anchors.
>     Has anybody done this? Any concrete gurus out there with helpful
>  suggestions?

      Hmm. I would rent a pump and keep evacuating the water before the pour.
If you're going to have an inspection, they'll want the holes free of standing
water too.

     Keeping the concrete damp (and cool) slows the cure while increasing the
ultimate strength so once the concrete is poured, the water is a non-issue. 

Cheers,  Steve   K7LXC

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