[TowerTalk] force 12 stacks

Dave_K9NX n7ex@athenet.net
Sat, 31 Oct 1998 12:48:06 +0000

At 08:03 PM 10/30/98 -0600, Richard J Brown wrote:
>What is the advisability of stacking a force 12  WARC 7  8 or 10 feet
>above a C-4SXL to cover all the bands?.  Redundancy on 12 and 17 but
>don't like operating with the SWR the  C4SXL has on 12 and 17.. Wat say

1) Take a careful set of SWR and if possible front to back measurements
before starting .
2) If after installation, the original measurements on the C4 are degraded
you can turn the WARC 7 90 degrees which would significantly reduce it's
coupling to the C4.
3) Or proceed directly to step 2.

I have a C3S which has much of the same design at its heart as the C4. Even
though it is advertised as a 12 and 17 antenna (with a tuner). My
experience on 17 is that it performs only marginally better than my B'nut
vertical. On 12M the B'nut consistently out performs it by 2 S units! So
the WARC7 is not redundant at all.


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