[TowerTalk] 75 Ohm hardline losses ?

Bob Wanderer aa0cy@nwrain.com
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 19:37:35 -0800

Comm-Scope? P-I or P-III? TFC?  T-4? Trilogy?

I have the spec's on most hardline and it doesn't vary
much from brand to brand. Trilogy is air dielectric, however.
Comm-Scope has their spec's on their website.

At 450 mHz (millihertz) loss isn't a factor. At 450 MHz
(megahertz), it is. At 1800 kHz, it isn't unless that was
1.8  GHz or gHz. IEEE says I believe that all 
magnitudes are lower case except for m for milli 
and M for mega.


From:  W9SN[SMTP:nw9g@netusa1.net]
Sent:  Thursday, October 29, 1998 4:52 PM
To:  towertalk@contesting.com
Subject:  [TowerTalk] 75 Ohm hardline losses ?

Anyone have a chart of the losses of 75ohm hardlines?
I have several different sizes from 425 up to 750.  I will be
using them on freqs from 450mhz to 1.8mhz.  Would like to see
a chart of what my losses will be per 100', per freq, per size.
Also I'd like to know the velocity factor of each size as well.
Thanks in advanced......


                                Steve Narducci                 
                        Amateur Radio Station -  W9SN
                          All Ten Tec Equiptment         
                          Toys for "Real" CW Men     

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