[TowerTalk] More on the fiberglass/KT34XA problem

David Jordan wa3gin@erols.com
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 05:49:19 -0400

Hi FOlks,

I coat all fiberglass components with PLASTIC DIP ( the stuff used to
dip plyer handles).
It is life long protection for the fiberglass. I have several vertical
antennas that use fiberglass
as insulators between sections and as others have mentioned after
several years in the weather of WDC the stuff begins to
feather...handling this stuff after the process begins is not fun as one
picks up many tiny glass fibers in their skin which are near impossible
to remove, etc. The dip works great and looks good also...comes in
several colors, RED, BLUE, SILVER.

good luck,

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