[TowerTalk] EHS Question

notawc@juno.com notawc@juno.com
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 13:22:58 -0400

On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 01:05:43 -0700 "Mike Nash, ND6A" <no6x@inreach.com>
> OK the dumb kid has a question again. Following this thread of 
> cutting EHS
> cable something has gotten my interest. 
> APPARENTLY I have never seen EHS...
> Is it not the same thing as the power company uses to guy their 
> poles.

 The power company trucks around here use a lot of 1/4" and 5/16 HS but
the CATV company uses 1/4" EHS as their strand support between poles.

Most guy cable comes from Korea and EHS is EHS even when Rohn puts their
name on the reel. CATV reel ends are a cheap way to get what you need,
just be sure to check the ID label to be sure it is EHS.

> had assumed all this time it was, as it is the same stuff (only in 
> 1/2")
> that is on the 200 foot tower at work.
> I am in need of some, and if this is not the right stuff, I am 
> looking in
> the wrong place.
> Would love to just order 1000 feet from Texas Towers, however I feel 
> it
> would probably cost another 149 bucks to ship it.
> Been trying to find it locally.
> Could it be that I am really looking for the wrong thing?
> Mike...ND6A (ex NO6X) 
> A Keyring, what a handy gadget. It allows me to lose all of my keys 
> at one
> time.
> --
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