[TowerTalk] Copper Flashing, Thanks

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 16:30:26 -0400

Thanks for all the suggestions. It looks like copper flashing is just 
plain expensive. 

Copper Brass sales charged me $205, including shipping, for 100 
feet of 3" flashing. That included a $100 cutting fee. In hindsight, I 
should have bought 300 or 400 feet and sold some off. 400 feet 
would have been about 500 dollars, and that would have whipped 
everyone on price.

I checked every source, and they were all within a few bucks of 
Copper-Brass sales for the same material so I just left my order 
with them go through. It's here, and already installed.  

Thanks for all the help everyone.

73, Tom W8JI

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