[TowerTalk] Re: Model Mania - The ultimate one tower system

KI7WX@aol.com KI7WX@aol.com
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 19:27:04 EST

Here's one for the computer model nuts (freaks....kooks....loonies???) to 
play with: 

Triple stack of C3E at 90/63/36 feet versus two stack of C31XR at 92/55.

Both of those arrays are within reach of your "average guy" with room for a 
single tower.  Heights are based on separation of 27 feet for the C3s and 37 
feet for the C31XRs and take into account likely guy wire placements on a 
Rohn 25/45 type tower.  Using F12s numbers the C3E stack will be about 17 
square feet of load and the C31XR stack about 22 sq feet.

I can think of pluses and minuses to each array.  Curious what others might 
come up with.  



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