[TowerTalk] Winch,Rohn 45 Foldover

Ronald Gorski R.Gorski@Astronautics.com
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 09:37:09 -0500

Looking for input from persons that may have had adverse experiences with
the brake-winch on Rohn 45 foldover towers. Specifically interested in
brake malfunctions, i.e, slippage. I have not experienced any failures but
the device is 12 yrs old and I have concerns. Also, has anyone replaced
this with a motorized winch? 73, Ron N9AU

|                                           |
| Ronald Gorski                             |
| Astronautics Corporation of America       |
| P.O. Box 523                              |
| Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0523 USA       |
| Phone: (414) 671-5500                     |
| Email: R.Gorski@Astronautics.com          |

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