[TowerTalk] Re: [psk31] {psk} Logger on drives other than C

Gary McDuffie, Sr. mcduffie@scottsbluff.net
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 00:25:36 -0600

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 00:27:24 -0500, Martin wrote:

> I also notice that the PSK module works on my other
> computer in this version, whereas  in Logger 6.07b, the psk module would
> lock up.  The machine in question is a 486DX2-100Mhz.

Thank you.  I've been asking about this for a few days.  I'm also
running a 486/100 and the psk module hangs.  Today, I pulled 6.07e and
noticed better what it was doing.  It still hangs in 'e', but it doesn't
do it until the second display window begins to form.  The small
psk31sbw-like window looks fine, but as soon as the one beside it opens
up, the thing begins halting and must be ctl-alt-del'd to close Logger.

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