[TowerTalk] Re: Building a tower

Fredric fsmittle@home.com
Fri, 05 Mar 1999 09:33:33 -0800

Hi to All,
Not only is conduit made to be bent but is galvanized as is the top
rail.  This makes it difficult to weld and creates hazardous gasses
which are a definite health hazard!  OK, you still want to proceed?  You
will need to have some kind of fixture to hold all of the pieces which
you have cut to the proper length (3 to 5 minutes each).  You will have
to use emery paper to remove the coating at each weld (another 3 to 5
minutes each).  Now weld each one. Yes - another 5 minutes each, maybe
more depending on your welding ability.  For a 10ft section at least 60
welds.  That's about 15 hours (bare minimum) for a 10ft section of very
questionable quality and you have endangered your health.  We haven't
even touched on base plates and mast supports.  The point of my rambling
is IT AIN'T WORTH IT!  Find a good used tower and do it right.
73, Fred, KE6BGI (quarter century machinist)

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