[TowerTalk] Fall Arrest Harnesses at Home Depot

spelunk.sueno spelunk.sueno@cwix.com
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 18:22:10 -0500


     I just got back from local (DC area) Home Depot where I found they're
now selling fall arrest harnesses and other hardware for residential (or
other) construction.  Intended application is to prevent injury from falling
off roofs.  Harness is manufactured by Qual-craft Industries of Stoughton,
MA.  Price for a "starter kit" (harness, fall arrest lanyard (not
shock-absorbing) with two safety clips, rope grab, 50 feet of fall arrest
rope, maybe other minor items) is $248.  Intended to be used with roof or
overhang anchor (steel plate that straddles the roof ridge or edge of roof
and is fastened with nails, extra cost items) to which the fall arrest rope
is to be attached.  Claim their products are OSHA and ANSI approved.

     Price seems high, but their quality is a mytstery to me.  Anybody have
info on the company or their products?  Tnx.

Gene Smar  AD3F

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